Dblog is the interwebositry for all things creative, inspirational and elegant from D's world of art, design, cinema, T.V., comics, toys and pop culture. Drop me line or an interesting link any time...


Short Trailer: Keloid

Keloid Trailer - A Short Film by BLR from BLR_VFX on Vimeo.

Game Trailer: The Last Of Us

From Naughty Dog (Uncharted) is this sweet little trailer for a new ‘Zombie’ game… Cool title, great score, engaging story and great animation –Hopefully the game is to! The Last of Us

Sinister Dollesque Paintings: Xue Wang

Sinister dollesque paintings by Xue Wang

Satellite Composites: Jenny Odell

Artworks from satellite photos by Jenny Odell

Andrew Kolb's Walking Dead Posters

I’ve featured illustrator Andrew Kolb before but I just saw his neat Walking Dead Posters on his site.

Naughty & Surreal Illustrator: Mateusz Kolek

Diverse, sometimes naughty and subtly surreal illustrator Mateusz Kolek

Retro Illustrator: Glen Mullaly

Some gorgeous 'cereal packet style', retro and commercial Illustration by Glen Mullaly

You ARE the worst Vader…

Exploitative? Wrong? Maybe… LOL funny? Definitely… You ARE the worst Vader

Geek Leathers

Tropes Wiki

Tropes Wiki

Bob & Carl: Sci-Fi Janitors

A growingly popular little weblog that answers the question: Who cleans up after a geek convention? Bob & Carl: Sci-Fi Janitors

10,000 image time lapse of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

Traffic in Frenetic HCMC, Vietnam from Rob Whitworth on Vimeo.

My wife and I fell in love with Vietnam when we were there. One of my favourite experiences was the traffic which oddly enough made more sense the more directly you were involved with it…

Illustrator: Ramon PLA


I just godamn love this illustrator so much it makes me angry… Ramon PLA

Local Artist: Tassj

A friend ex-college and talented, hard-working artist Tassj, check out her BLOG and Folio

Don't Do Art!

This is a very clever parody of an anti-drug campaign for the College for Creative Studies in Detroit by Team Detroit… Although the last is kind of nonsensical to the theme, it definitely sums up the awful feelings my wife (also an artist) and I share (despite our repulsion at such sentiments) for our own children- Thankfully they’re coming through with the talent!

Stanley Kubrick Photography

I'm a big fan of Stanley Kubrick, but before he was a director, he was a photographer

Editorial Illustrator: Chris Buzelli

Illustrator: Chris Buzelli


DTV: Parks & Recreation

DTV: Parks & Recreation

Originally intended as a spin-off of the U.S. The Office, Parks and Recreation follows the cringeworthy inter-office tensions of the fictional Department of Parks and Recreation, Pawnee, Indiana. The mockumentary style comedy centers around a cast of dysfunctional but hopelessly interdependent characters, rallying (if reluctantly) around their overly enthusiastic if slightly clueless boss: Leslie Knope (though a much more sympathetic even lovable character).
The first season is VERY ‘Officeish’, almost swapping out the archetypes form the afore mentioned foundation series, but as it progresses through its current 4 seasons takes on an identity of its own.
If you like the Office you’ll love this…

The Walking Dead Season 2- Recap LOLs

This is spoiler town but here’s a fucking hilarious series of episode recaps for The Walking Dead Season 2- I’m a fan of the series and much bigger fan of S2 but this IS LOL funny…

IMFDb: The Internet Movie Firearms Database

IMFDb The Internet Movie Firearms Database

Article: Don't give up the day job!

An article from the Guardian: Don't give up the day job! - how artists make a living

Trailer: Galactic Perry's Learning Starship

Not quite a ‘thing’ just yet, but I hope it will be, children’s T.V for adults… Galactic Perry's Learning Starship

German Zombie Webseries: Viva Berlin!

Aliens… On Ice! Seriously…

Eyes on things…

Ichbinkong puts eyes on things

Photography: Down and out U.S.A.

Some very confronting and compelling photography of down and out U.S.A. by Claire Martin

Photography: Serpentine

Not the only amazing photoshoot on his site but check out this sssensational Serpentine ssseries:

Don't pose with your mouth open...

Jan Esman’s hyper-real paintings of sleeping people with their mouths open

Picasso Draws With Light

Picasso Draws With Light

Vector Illustrator: Bob Baily

Stunningly simple vector art illustrator: Bob Baily

Movie: Typography Challenge

This typogramovie reminds me a lot of my design studies classes at Uni… Except this is a lot better than what I did…

Challenge: Create an image out of a word, using only the letters in the word itself.

Typography BLOG: Typographica

A BLOG for Typophiles

Ugly Renaissance Babies

50 VectorGood Guys

Fifty Goodies print
Stylish vector art poster of 50 Good Guys

Illustrated Thanksgiving New Yorker Covers.

A collection of illustrated Thanksgiving New Yorker covers.

llustrator: Adam Koford

Beautiful line and simple, textured colour, illustrator: Adam Koford

Whimsical Japanese Painter: Yosuke Ueno

Whimsical Japanese painter: Yosuke Ueno